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Measuring Your Customer Experience (CX) Maturity

As we head into the new year, this is the time to take stock of where you are with your CX maturity within your organization.

When I work with businesses, often the most frustrating part for them is determining where to start.

This is why taking a quick CX inventory can help you determine where to spend time, budget, and political capital when it comes to structuring your strategy.

Now here is the best part – none of what I am about to share with you is theoretical. I didn’t read this somewhere and fall in love with it. The following comes from implementing change and moving businesses down the field to a more mature customer experience model.

I'm going to share with you exactly what I did to win.

Ask yourself these questions:

1. Do you know your customers wins or jobs to be done?

2. Do you have a mechanism in place to capture customer feedback?

3. Are you actively analyzing and sharing that feedback to prioritize competing interests and make decisions?

4. Do you have customer engagement guidelines for your service team? Meaning what are the steps for providing a great customer experience?

5. Do you have a set of shared promises or commitments that you ask your teams to live by?

6. Does your team know what to do if there is as service breakdown?

7. Have you taken a hard look at your customer journey and key touch points?

8. What does training look like for your team? This is not only service skills and expectations, but also job skills, leadership, and quality control.

9. Do you have executive (meaning C-Suite) level support and endorsement for your customer experience initiatives as well as organizational awareness?

10. Have you linked key customer KPIs to performance appraisals, job descriptions, merit increases, and bonus structures?

Over the coming weeks I'm going to dig in on these principles to help you leverage where you are organizationally and what do you need to do within each of these channels to drive success.

So if we kick off with number one on the list, ensure that you know your customers, guests, and consumers - and then build around their needs.

It isn't enough to solve for their needs now. Remember the customers you serve by the end of next year will look different than the customers you serve today. That has to be part of your organizational design and problem solving.

So to consider what a "win" looks like for your customers you have to look past daily tasks and products to purpose. Think about about a person visiting a home improvement store such as Lowes. I remember shopping for paint when I bought a new house. Sure I needed paint, brushes, and drop clothes - but what I was really buying was the home of my dreams. The products I purchased, along with a healthy dose of elbow grease from me and my wife, helped make our house a home. You must consider your customers' larger purpose and help them connect to that.

You also must find ways to make these jobs easier for your customers. The best way I have ever found to do this is to jump in and use your product or service just the way your customers would. Sometimes I eat a burger from a drive through and wonder if the person who crafted the recipe ever had tried to eat that sandwich while driving. I had a rental car last week and I needed a masters in engineering to operate the headlights - there was no need for the dials to be hidden so low on the dashboard. But then when I took my drone out for a spin last week it felt like the designers who built it thought through every issue I might potentially have as a pilot. The thing just works and is a pleasure to fly.

So whether you are testing your product, navigating your web site, or calling into your call center, you'll find that you learn something new each time that can improve your quality and ease of use.

Thanks for keeping your customers at the center of everything you do.


Tony Johnson, CCXP Customer Experience (CX) Leader | Author | Speaker

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